27.5 Hours to Cuteness

Time: 3:30pm

I find this adorable Newborn Kimono on Purl Bee.  My friends just had a new baby boy and we are going to visit this weekend.  As it has been known to happen, she finished the baby before I finished the baby blanket I’m knitting (curses on you, garter stitch).  This pattern looks cute and doable in the time allotted.

Time: 5:20pm

I figure out how to print things and get myself a copy of the template.  Note: I am an technology professional and can barely figure out how to print things on paper.  Do not ask me to fix your computer.

Time: 6:20pm

I go to the fabric store down the street from my house. Yes, they are still open!  You, reader, are jealous that I have a fabric store down the street from my house.  I pick up an awesome mustache patterned cotton.  They sadly do not have any bias tape, much less the lovely Japanese ones Purl Soho sells but there is no time to lose… so I choose to use 1 1/2″ ribbon instead, folded over.  I cannot be stopped.


Time: 7:45pm

Wash and dry the fabric.

Next Day AM – go to work


Time: 2:30pm

Come home from work, iron fabric, cut out pattern


Time: 2:50pm

Make critical decision between watching old Firefly episode or old Doctor Who episode. Notes own geekiness.

Time: 3:00pm

Start sewing

Time: 3:20pm

Realize I sewed the shoulder seems wrong, redo the shoulder seems.

Time: 4:00pm

Boy wakes up from his nap, entertain him a bit with cars before heading back to sewing machine

Time: 4:20pm

Start pinning down the ribbon. It’s much more slippery that bias tape would be so pinning is important.  Sew on ribbon binding, be careful of curves.

Time: 4:50pm

Realize boy is stinky, put him in a bath then fix dinner.

Time: 6:25pm

Sew on snaps while boy finishes his dessert.  Attempt to keep his Nutella face and hands away from my handmades.

Time: 6:50pm

Iron and photograph.  Kimono is complete!
